Arden’s Garden 2-Day Detox Review

I started Arden’s Gardens two-day detox on a Wednesday. The reason for the detox was for me to get rid of all toxins in my body to kind of give me a clean slate. I really want to cut out dairy (especially milk) and red meat. I plan to eat only chicken (sorry I really can’t give up chicken)  and, more green veggies, FRESH fruits and start doing yoga. I want to change my lifestyle honestly. 


Arden’s Garden 2- Day Detox

The purpose of their detox, as it says in the back of the bottle, is to: help cleanse your body by removing toxins and hydrating cells with superior nutrients that repair, rebuild and regenerate. You aren’t suppose to eat ANY foods only drink the detox juice and distilled water for 2 day. 

Day One was pretty tough for me. I didn’t start drinking the juice until around 12ish. My stomach started hurting really bad. It had been hurting all day because it was empty. I could tolerate it up until 4pm then I cracked. I had to get something to eat. I ended up getting a chicken ceaser salad from Panera Bread. That held me for the rest of the day so I continued drinking the detox and water. 

Day two I honestly think didn’t go any better. I didn’t eat until 7pm and I ate 2 shrimp tacos. Shame on me, I know!  I didn’t start drinking the detox until late Thursday only because I was really busy. I had to get my hair done and I didn’t want to be getting in & out the chair 100xs because I had to use the restroom. I did finish both bottle within the two day period but I ate. I actually think I did pretty good for my first time.


My review: 

I actually think this detox was a great idea. It helped me learn self discipline and I got rid of a lot of water weight. Do not try the detox only to loose weight. The lady mentioned a really good point, she said it’s more about how you feel afterwards. Everyone’s body is different so if you don’t expect for the detox to help you lose 5 lbs without working out then you won’t be upset when it doesn’t. Try and see if you can tell a difference in how your body feels. I feel great and can definitely feel a differences. It is hard to explain how I feel. Like I feel clean, less gassy and bloated. It is really hard to not eat for two days! Especially for those of us who like to eat 3-5 times a day. I honestly think me eating once both days was pretty good only because this was my first time trying it. I recommend this for anyone needing a fresh start to a new lifestyle. Try and see how long you can go without eating!

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